“For forty years You sustained them in the
wilderness; they lacked nothing, their clothes did not wear out nor did
their feet become swollen.”(Neh 9:21)
Sustain to strengthen or support physically or mentally.
Are you in a wilderness whether financially,
physical or otherwise? Well the Lord who is the same yesterday, today
and forever has been sustaining His people through life’s wilderness for
Not only did their clothes not wear out, but their feet were not swollen.
Beloved, imagine wearing the same clothes for forty
years but because it is kept by the Lord so it cannot wear out; if God
can keep our clothes from wearing out He is more than able to keep us
from growing weary. That is why as we wait on the Lord we get renewed
strength to keep us on our journey through our personal wildernesses.
Jesus admonishes us not to worry about what to eat
drink or wear. (Matt 6:31)He is with us to strengthen and support us
through any wilderness we may be passing through.