Monday, July 15, 2013

Fret Not

“Fret not yourself ...” (Psalms 37:1)

 Fret - annoyed, irritated, uneasy, anxious, agitated, troubled and bothered.

 Fretting is a decision. We decide whether we want to focus on things that will rob us of our spiritual momentum, or on things that brings us joy and peace.

Nothing good comes from fretting, it is like rocking back and forth in a wheelchair; it keeps us immobile. “Fret not thyself; it tendeth only to evil-doing" (Psalm 37:8). Fretting tends to make us doubt God and lean on our own understanding hence we begin to make plans without God.

 “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.”(Psalm 37:7)
 We can rest, and wait patiently because our God is Faithful and Trustworthy. We don’t fret about the wicked sometimes we are too concerned about the wrong doings of others. Fretting deprives us of the peaceful rest that Jesus has given to us. It is Satan’s desire to annoy us in order to separate us from God and His promises.

Beloved, let us trust in the Lord, do good,  delight ourselves in the Lord, and  commit our ways to Him, and the Lord will bring His promises to pass.

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